Future Report Credits 2021


Produced by Schibsted Group Communication, Nov 2020. Kristin Skogen Lund, Sven Størmer Thaulow, Nicolai Skarsgård, Ragnhild J Buch, Mari Midtstigen, Agnes…

Kristin Skogen Lund

Let the change be for the better

We’ve passed the initial troubles of adjusting all our ways and routines to Covid-19. We’ve realized that this is a marathon rather than a sprint — and one we…

How Crises Disrupt And Evolve Society

How crises disrupt and evolve society

Evolutionary changes, wars, natural disasters – and now a virus – all change the world and society as we know it. Covid-19 has pushed digitalization forward in…

Finn Changed The History Of Schibsted

Finn changed the history of Schibsted

Since Finn was an innovation in itself, innovation lies in the company’s genes, and experimentation is a part of everyday life. Much has changed over the…

An Inspiring Experience Will Attract Gen Z

An inspiring experience will attract Gen Z

Gen Z are accustomed to defining their own tastes, trends, and values. Most of their screen time is spent inside the big social media apps, where new shopping…

It’s Not About The Ads Any More

It’s not about the ads any more

Our online marketplaces are now more than 20 years old. During that time they have become an integral part of society. With more than 264 million visits per…

Fintech Will Keep Changing Banking

Fintech will keep changing banking

The fintech landscape has changed dramatically over the course of the previous decade. Born out of the global financial crisis of the late aughts, a general…

Healthcare Will Go Digiphysical

Healthcare will go digiphysical

The pandemic has sped up technology adoption in healthcare by three to five years. Both patients and providers have drastically changed their habits. But…

Our project will search for the best way to work

Despite obvious challenges, working from home has surpassed all expectations. In fact, we (employees worldwide) have actually been more effective per day, at…

Edtech Pushes Lifelong Learning

Edtech pushes lifelong learning

During the Corona crisis, schools have struggled to bring education online. But the pandemic has only shed light on a need that was already there. And now the…

The Ecosystem That Nurtures Giants

The ecosystem that nurtures giants

They are obsessed with customers’ needs, innovation and agility is crucial and they both compete and collaborate within. Companies working as market-oriented…

Tough news gets translated for young readers

Tough news gets translated for young readers

In July 2011, Norway was shocked and horrified by the terrorist attack in Oslo’s government quarter and on the island of Utøya. Naturally, Norwegian children…

Subscriptions Drive New Businesses

Subscriptions drive new businesses

Is the concept of ownership on its way to extinction? Subscription-based businesses have increased their revenues by more than 300 percent over the past seven…

Leaders Under Pressure

Leaders under pressure

The responsibilities of business leaders have dramatically changed with Covid-19. We now need to thrive in a new reality while also maintaining innovation and…

My Home Office Struggle

My home office struggle

Remote first is the new normal. But what about those of us who desperately miss meeting our colleagues, who know how to navigate the office, and who don’t…

A Toolbox To Support Journalism

AI – a toolbox to support journalism

As artificial intelligence makes its way into editorial products and processes, media organizations face new challenges. They need to find out how to use this…

Photographers On The Front Line

Photographers on the front line

They are always first on site, whether there’s a war, an uprising – or a pandemic. In all of Schibsted’s newspapers, the Corona crisis has put the…

Gen Z values journalism

Gen Z values journalism

Generation Z creates what they consume and consumes what they create. But, according to a report from Tinius Trust, their approach to news is different. When…

Every Startup Is A New Species

Every startup is a new species

Where do startups actually come from? New companies come out of nowhere, grow exponentially and make a huge impact in the daily lives of millions in just a…

Technology Will Fertilize Farming

Technology will fertilize farming

With more and more people to feed in a less reliable world, the farming industry is the key to change. For years, the food production system has been one of…

Grab The Readers Hearts

Grab the readers’ hearts

It should be based on nearness, a deep understanding of society, and a talent for reacting quickly to what is important for people. Frøy Gudbrandsen at Bergens…

Resilience is the new black

Resilience is the new black

Enabling consumption and improving people’s lives have been the driving force for technological advances for the past decades. Now environmental and societal…

On The Hunt For Human Emotions

On the hunt for human emotions

Artificial intelligence is behind countless services that we use every day. But how close is it to really understanding human emotions? Affective computing has…

A Human Voice Behind The News Makes All The Difference

A human voice behind the news makes all the difference

The interest in and need for news has never been greater. At Aftonbladet the number of visitors has increased dramatically. Live reporting with option to…

Blocket helps users repair old things

Blocket helps users repair old things

The amount of things we throw away every year just keep getting bigger. At the same time we buy more new things than ever before. That’s why Blocket made the…

Welcome To The Synthetic Decade

Welcome to the synthetic decade

Technology is giving us tools to alter reality in more and more areas. You might soon not only eat artificial meat but also interact with your personal double.…

Trends For 2021

10 trends for 2021 – the pandemic shift

The pandemic has forced many brick-and-mortar stores to close, but according to data from IBM, this has fast-forwarded e-commerce growth by about five years.…

An Underdog Rethinking Distribution

An underdog rethinking distribution

From zero to ten million yearly packages delivered in just five years – the growth for logistics and distributor company Helthjem has been a masterclass in…

Meet Our People in People

Meet our People in People

Petra Wikström is part of building future digital markets. She’s director of Public Policy in Schibsted, and she and her team are constantly working to make…

Meet Our People in Business

Meet our People

After almost five years in sunny Barcelona Jussi Lystimäki is back in Helsinki to win the marketplace arena in Finland for Schibsted. No surprise, he loves…

Meet Our People in Tech

Meet our people in Tech

In Schibsted, using and sharing user data is a crucial part of developing new, relevant products and services. Just as important is to handle data in a…