“When we unify our efforts, we can be in the forefront”

Schibsted has a new SVP Engagement, Communication and Employer Branding. Jane Throndsen has her roots in News Media, coming from VG. Now, her primary focus is to create a common mindset about what Schibsted can achieve together – in a world that’s on fire.

By Ann Axelsson

Jane worked as an editor at the competitor newspaper Dagbladet in Oslo before being recruited by VG in 2012. During her time at VG, she served as both the Feature Editor and later as the Head of Paid Content, holding key positions within VG’s management team. After just two years at VG, she was named the Female Media Leader of the Year in Norway.

“When we unify our efforts, we can be in the forefront”

Schibsted has a new SVP Engagement, Communication and Employer Branding. Jane Throndsen has her roots in News Media, coming from VG. Now, her primary focus is to create a common mindset about what Schibsted can achieve together – in a world that’s on fire.

By Ann Axelsson

“Schibsted is a company with enormous power and so many competent people. At the same time, it’s a complex matrix organisation, with all its functions and brands,” says Jane.

Schibsted has some of the ­strongest brands in the Nordics. And it is not­ ­always obvious to employees in each of those brands why they are a part of Schibsted. Jane knows this well, ­having come from VG. She points out that each brand does an excellent job in engaging their employees – but that there is room for more of a Schibsted perspective. She wants to build this common pride, brick by brick.

Amidst this complexity, internal communication can be a strong tool to create knowledge and trust in a shared strategy, where a main message for Schibsted is that we are more than just the sum of our parts.

“I would like for our employees to feel that they are part of something bigger – and that bigger is supporting the job they’re doing.”

A tough future to navigate

And she is certain that Schibsted’s muscles are needed today. The world is literally on fire. As we speak, the conflict in the Middle East has just ­awoken. Jane points out the pressure that freedom of the press is under and how media is a cornerstone in a democratic world. But there is also fierce competition from tech companies and technology advancements that will have a great impact on all businesses. It’s a tough future to navigate – and a united Schibsted is a stronger force to take on this future and this level of competition versus each of its brands alone.

Jane mentions common AI initia­tives as an example of how to use those Schibsted muscles across the company.

“There is so much innovative­ ­spirit in Schibsted. Different AI initiatives pop up all over, and new applications are shared across. When we unify our efforts, we can be in the forefront.”

Building internal engagement is also about offering common arenas where people can meet and discuss, like strategy meetings for leaders, tech gatherings, and the Power of Journalism initiative – a conference and awards ceremony where we celebrate the importance of quality journalism.

Global talent competition

Then there is the global competition for talent. To attract the right people Schibsted also needs to step up and show what makes us different from other workplaces – in an authentic and transparent way.

“We need to make the success ­stories from all our brands come alive. That’s how we can both attract talents and build pride in being part of the Schibsted family.”

Leaving VG for Schibsted was not an easy decision. And she says that she will miss journalism every day. But she also believes that bringing this perspective into a new role is helpful.

“I’ve seen things from a brand’s point of view. Bringing that experience and my competencies into Schibsted and being part of shaping and growing the company for the future is really exciting.”

Ann Axelsson

Ann Axelsson
Senior Product Manager, Strategic Communication, Schibsted
Years in Schibsted: 25
My favourite song the last decade: Paper Doll – John Mayer