10 years in pictures
Which are the most memorable and best pictures from the last decade? As Future Report celebrates its tenth anniversary we have looked back and gathered pictures from Schibsted’s newspapers to also celebrate the art of photography.
By Espen Rasmussen | Read 'A new era for photo journalism'
2022: In the trenches, five minutes from the village of Novoluhanske. Five days after this picture was taken, Russia went to war. Photo: Paal Audestad, Aftenposten.

10 years in pictures
Which are the most memorable and best pictures from the last decade? As Future Report celebrates its tenth anniversary we have looked back and gathered pictures from Schibsted’s newspapers to also celebrate the art of photography.
By Espen Rasmussen | Read 'A new era for photo journalism'
2023: Drag queen duo Lillan and Tjorven perform theatre for children at Dramaten in Stockholm, days before being harassed by right-wing extremists.
Photo: Emma-Sofia Olsson, Svenska Dagbladet
2023: Drag queen duo Lillan and Tjorven perform theatre for children at Dramaten in Stockholm, days before being harassed by right-wing extremists. Photo: Emma-Sofia Olsson, Svenska Dagbladet
2021: Refugees attempting to cross the Mediterranean in inflatable dinghies.
Photo: Photo: Espen Rasmussen, VG
2021: Refugees attempting to cross the Mediterranean in inflatable dinghies. Photo: Espen Rasmussen, VG
2020: Mask marks that hardly have time to disappear, before they are back again. A telling image of the lasting impact on healthcare workers during the pandemic.
Photography by Andreas Bardell, Aftonbladet
2020: Mask marks that hardly have time to disappear, before they are back again. A telling image of the lasting impact on healthcare workers during the pandemic. Photo by Andreas Bardell, Aftonbladet
2019: After Helene Gallis was diagnosed with breast cancer, she invited friends to feel her breast and learn what a tumour can feel like.
Photo: Monica Strømdahl, Aftenposten
2019: After Helene Gallis was diagnosed with breast cancer, she invited friends to feel her breast and learn what a tumour can feel like. Photo: Monica Strømdahl, Aftenposten
2018: More than 50 forest fires ravaged Telemark in Norway, officials called it “the worst forest fire in 27 years.” Pictured is the civil defence team at Elgsjø on Notodden in Telemark.
Photo: Helge Mikalsen, VG
2018: More than 50 forest fires ravaged Telemark in Norway, officials called it “the worst forest fire in 27 years.” Pictured is the civil defence team at Elgsjø on Notodden in Telemark. Photo: Helge Mikalsen, VG
2017: Tomas Oneborg was supposed to photograph sweets for Easter at Hötorget in Stockholm, when the terrorist act on Drottninggatan threw him into the chaos.
Photo: Tomas Oneborg, Svenska Dagbladet
2017: Tomas Oneborg was supposed to photograph sweets for Easter at Hötorget in Stockholm, when the terrorist act on Drottninggatan threw him into the chaos. Photo: Tomas Oneborg, Svenska Dagbladet
2016: The war in Syria is in its tenth year. Maha is only five. She and her family fled their hometown of Hawiga outside Mosul to escape ISIS. “I don’t dream anymore, and I’m not scared of anything,” she says.
Photo by Magnus Wennman, Aftonbladet
2016: The war in Syria is in its tenth year. Maha is only five. She and her family fled their hometown of Hawiga outside Mosul to escape ISIS. “I don’t dream anymore, and I’m not scared of anything,” she says. Photo: Magnus Wennman, Aftonbladet
2015. 26-year-old Ibrahim Abdulla under a trailer in the port city of Patras, Greece. He can’t say for sure how many times he has tried to get the ferry to Italy.
Photo: Paul S. Amundsen, Bergens Tidende
2015. 26-year-old Ibrahim Abdulla under a trailer in the port city of Patras, Greece. He can’t say for sure how many times he has tried to get the ferry to Italy. Photo: Paul S. Amundsen, Bergens Tidende
2014: The children of Gaza were hit hardest by the war. A fourth of the Palestinian victims were minors. As we produce the report in the autumn of 2023, the Middle East conflict has once again exploded.
Photo: Yvonne Åsell, Svenska Dagbladet.
2014: The children of Gaza were hit hardest by the war. A fourth of the Palestinian victims were minors. As we produce the report in the autumn of 2023, the Middle East conflict has once again exploded. Photo: Yvonne Åsell, Svenska Dagbladet.